Thursday, April 30, 2009


so study d@te with ch-lo & hazel than meet mum at TAM 1 and see o.o +++ some people.. YUPS

look @ ch-lo's nail haha. cool rite @.@ i know.
URG SORRY I GOT SO LITTLE PICS ERM WILL UPDATE WHEN HAZEL SEND ME ?HEXHEXHEX. idk why i cant recieve when she send me urg N-V-M.soon kk bai


-there's a myth that says when you draw on your hand too much every drop of ink will cost you 1 minute of your life

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

got to be some one?

urg i cant go on a hiatus sux

Sunday, April 26, 2009

urg i just cant get myself to study haha, idk why 2oo haha am i alone? LOL. i seriously cant wait for exams to end real soon and poof FUN is on the way to meet me hahahaa. sounds goody good rite.ok xcrossx fingers tml's study date will do fine and not f@il huahuahua

Friday, April 24, 2009


HOW I MIZ GG and the people in kinabalu HAHAHAHAHAHA NOT KINABALU the mountainxxx
i iz no more emo fr34k 4-ever ho-k HUAHUA. dun worry muaxxxx

Thursday, April 23, 2009

miserable @ best.

feelin' the worst, sometimes so helpless.Sometimes wat u see on the outside is all fake and its contradicting on the inside.whose on the same boat,sobs

Monday, April 20, 2009

NEED a fxrking breather

i h8 my dad, ok just sometimesxx he just dosent understnd me @ all ,blah blah blah blah blah

Sunday, April 19, 2009

so so drained

ho-k so today i slept till 11 pm shiokalaosai rite wah,ample sleep makes pple happy i think its been so so long since i sleep for more than 10 hrs whoosh~ heh. ok i think i am so gonna be so eff-ing drained in may coz i have 5 hrs of ballet of every sun the day from 9 -2pm. like i am so not looking 4ward urgdread like HELL. and tml is sch again & many many many i mean rlly many tests are coming up and i havent study a shit . arg idk why i am always studying @the 11th hour. tsk :@:@:@:@:@ omg and i mizz coco0o0o0o0os XX whahahahahah its effing the soft!!! wkakakak i sound like a freako but wat-ever hoho.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Have i ever checked out about itouch'sskin hahaha. sound somewhat retarded but wat the ever hahaa. its damn cool k they got like PINK only ,




and bat bat wah super nice!! love this ok rather i love almost all of it.. except rabbit? haha

today was ms nats wedding nothing much just taking picture and eating malay dishes. than home.


Friday, April 17, 2009

Tagged by LYLY

1. Besides your lips , where is your favourite spot to get kissed ?
>erm,hmmm i think cheeks but who is kissingzzz

2. How did you feel when you woke up this morning ?
>like shit
3. Who was the last person / people you last took picture with ?
> erm IDK, coz i'hv major s -t -the -m

4. Would you consider yourself spoiled ?
>DUN RLLY THINK SO, coz i think i am deprived of everything? am i?LOL

5. Will you ever donate blood ?

6. Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex ?
>yea,yea, yup, yes

7. Do you want someone to be dead ?
>HUH ,

8. What does your last text message says ?
> ok meet u at 5pm

9. What are you thinking right now ?

> can i dun go sch and skip all the hwx

10. Do you want someone to be with your right now ?
>wat do u think , idk

11. What was the time you went to bed last night ?
>1pm co0o0o0o00o0ol

12. Where did you buy the tee you're wearing now ?
>idk its my moms
13. Is someone on your mind right now ?
>no,erm more like fo0o0od
14. Who was the last person who text you ?
>some one hhmmm

Choose 10 lucky person to do this quiz .

1. hazel

2. niki
4. coco

5. huimin
6. back to LYLY
7. tomyum

8. tomyum soup

9. tomyum iz my friend

10. i lub tomyumyum
15. Who is (2) having relationship with ?
not having?
16. Is number (3) a male or female ?
DUHHHH femalezz
17. If (1) and (7) get together , would it be a good thing ?
hmmm, i think she likes tomyum too

18. What if (1) studying about ?
how i knowxx
19. When was the last time you chatted with them ?

20. Is (4) single ?
hmm MAYB engaged
21. Say something about (2)
shes cute,pretty cio0o00o0o, and my friend
22. What do you think about (2) and (6) together ?
not bad i think haah

23. Describe (9) .
i rlly love it alot and craves for it more than anyone muaxxx
24. What will you do if (6) and (7) fight ?
why will they even fighttomyum cannot fight ah, and she loves tomyum x2

25. Do like (8) ?

sudden craz3 ofwinter melon (L)
oh ya i realize i have alot of pics in my cam tht says re fleck shen but u know i am too lazy to upload and edit suxx
i had never got so irritated by weather so much b4, wah rlly cannot t4han leh.GL;OBAL WARMING AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.ZZZ ok maybe is just mex.x

Thursday, April 16, 2009


dead tired this few days idk why hunter lee is so angryyyyy roar.Wat if some one forbid you to talk on the phone, wah super fed up ahhhh.sick of sch sch sch sch sch sch sch sch sch sch sch xams xams xams wah sianzzzzzzz

Sunday, April 12, 2009

the cycle will just continue

i think this whole week was pretty b o r i n g.
ITS a p r i l and i have yet to do my " reflection" competition. HOW HOW HOW NOW i really have no ideas at all and cant be bothered much coz ex4ms are round the corner,sigh. &i am really fed up partly with myself + ze computer it shut down 8 eight timexs today ho-k.URG I NEED RETaIL THERaPHY

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

HAVE U EVER FELT SO PEEVED WITH UR COMPUTER ,THE WORDS ARE SO SO SMALL AND I DUNNO WAT DID I DO TO MAKE IT SO SMALL URGGGG.OK AND I AM FEELING SO. exuberant for ms nuts wedding wheewhoot. wah this is insane i cant see wat i am typing.

Monday, April 6, 2009

help people v a n i s h into thin air

i feel so ... HMMMMMMMMMMM.. EXTRA ok maybe i am. ok watever exams are round the corner i still dosent have the vibe to study , maths really kills ,big time ahhhhhhhhh.i am so not a logic &maths person


Saturday, April 4, 2009

IF LOOKS COULD KILL I WOULD HAVE BEEN DEAD.-.- dun u think it's true?


sports day this year was a tad better than last yr in the sense of participation but,the house spirit was...somewhat not there,rather not as good as last yrrrrrHMMMMMM. but green house won again haha total surprise.IT was boring,hot &humid and idk how to say
TOTAL SUCCESS IN sqeezing into hazel and jiahui's wedding photo hahahaha
yea but i know my hair is in a very bad shape from the back idk why too.. gaaaaaaaaaaaaaa watver laugh all u want muax

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

deleted my project accidentally wat an awsome move huh

a friend who called u stupid ,muax

wat can u think of? camping in changing rooms,trying out hoola-la-la + swensens attempt was failed,kinda but the hot plate i scream is orhsome speak marshmellows,erm..chocolate,hmm. smoke.....

wah damn str33s i still got chinese compo and he project to do ,wah diedie and my dad is being a gosh damn -.- pissedoff laaaaaaaaaaaaa __