Sunday, June 28, 2009

It's sunday

, 6.59 pm, and every minute seems to draw closer to that one dreaded word:SCHOOL.

Thursday, June 25, 2009


so finally we met, hahaha. had a good time catching up, talking about everything under the sun. shes still as skinny as ever please-.- ,i feel so fat and think i became fatter,sighhhhhai .went to thai express coz i was very deprived.,and one of the waitress still remember m3 muahahahahMUAHAHAHA. 'and omg i cant believe shes oh so into BOF HAHA, she &sonia OMG~~~~~~ hahaha
i will probably do a sumary of my holic tml or sth haha a very fun-filled holic compared to last years? or last last year year year. i think holic is not boring at all and i cant get enough of it ~ whopppppppppeeeeeeeee~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

i am so goin back to mb to fly kite wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~~ f33l mai eggcitement

The hot stuff is back


Schools will re-open on Monday, 29 June 2009, as scheduled. To slow down the spread of the H1N1 virus in the school community and in Singapore when school re-opens, MOE will issue a 7-day Leave of Absence (LOA) to all school staff and students returning from affected countries , on and after 22 June 2009, to stay away from school. There will also be stepped up precautionary measures and public education efforts in schools.

-count down ppl 5 more bloody days to some whr ,whr i belongs, which i am so not anticipated

Sunday, June 21, 2009

-vote to extend holiday, due to H1N1 , quickkkk quickkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

Sunday, June 14, 2009

out of bore-dom

ABC About YouQuestions:
A - AVAILABLE: wat do u think, *wriggles ebrows
B - BIRTHDAY: 30 july
C - CRUSHING ON: no one *m innocent,dun look at me like that
D - DRINK YOU LAST HAD: Mineral Water
G - GUMMY BEARS OR GUMMY WORMS: i love gummys so ya both will make me happy happy
I - IN LOVE WITH: everyone hehe*winks
J - JUGGLE: trying hard , haha-.-
K - KILLED SOMEONE:why will some one think of doing thatzz.________.
L - LONGEST CAR RIDE: not too sure. i have got major stm
M - MILKSHAKE FLAVOUR: i h8 milk shake, sorry
O - ONE WISH: to live happily ever after haha.
R- REASON TO SMILE: hairpee?
S - SONG YOU LAST HEARD: i'll kill her
T - TIME YOU WOKE UP: 8am cool rite. urg coz i h've got balleto.o
V - VEGETABLE(S): alot leh
Y – YOYOS ARE: R(etarded)?
Z - ZODIAC SIGN: Leo, roar

Random Questions About You:
Spell your name without vowels: yini? idk
What color do you wear most?: hmmm
What are you listening to?:starstruck,lgaga
Are you happy with your life right now?: erm read my previous post.
What is your favorite class in school?: i h8 sch haha , damn loser-.-
When do you start back at school/college?: am in loyang sec still leh
Are you outgoing?: i doubt so, or to ppl i know lah HAHAH
Favorite pair of shoes?: i love slippers not shoes
Where do you wish you were right now?: Paris ,really.

Can you dance?: ballet
Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth?: havent tried so, idk
Can you whistle?: no, i bet u think am a loser lah haha alotof ppl can i betcha
Write with both hands?: yes but rlly ugly with left hand
Walk with your toes curled?: havent tried leh

Do you believe there is life on other planets?: not sure:-(
Do you believe in miracles?: kinda
Do you believe in magic?: NO?o:
Love at first sight?: no please
Do you think there's a Satan?: maybe??:-(
Do you believe in Santa?: YES, hahaha a fake one lah DUH ~~~
Do you know how to swim?: yaaduh
Do you think you could handle the stuff they eat on those reality shows?: nah, dun wanna try

Have you ever been on a plane?: no, than how i go overseas.o.o
Have you ever asked someone out?: yea"?
Have you ever been asked out by someone: yea?
Have you ever been to the ocean?: like wat? snorkeeeellllinnnggG?
Have you ever painted your nails?: zz ya._______.

What is the temperature outside?: 31.3 d
What radio station do you listen to?: idk too
What was the last restaurant you ate at?: ehhhhhhh, cantremember lah i got stm hahaha.
What was the last thing you bought?: bbtea,whoosh~~
Who was the last person you took a picture of?: erm idk

Ever really cried your heart out?: duh~~ who hasnt?
Ever cried yourself to sleep?: duh
cried on your friend's shoulder?: HMMM..
Ever cried over the opposite sex?: hell nooO:
Do you cry when you get an injury?: yea unless very pain
Do certain songs make you cry?: no luh
Are you a happy person?: something like that?
What can make you happy?: countless things.HMMM
Do you wish you were happier?: yea lah dumb dumb, u want some gumgum??????zz
Can music make you happy?: a phrase: " musix make wonders?!!?!?! hahaha"

How many times have you had your heart broken?:none
Have you ever loved someone so much that you'd die for them?: why will i?!?.
What is your current hair color?: black? luh me iz the asian
Current piercings?: me=decent hahaah xx earonly
Have any tattoos?: ?*winks
Eye color?: idk hahahahahahai dun look into mai eye and give assumptions luh
Favorite eye color: idk green-ish grey?
Short or long hair: nice can alr?!o.o
Height: 165cm? so hopelesss ,get the drift please
Favourite clothing: nice and comfy = (Y)
Been to jail: No!duh~
Mooned someone: NOOOO
Thrown up in a store: Noooo0o0o0o0o0O0O0O
Done something really stupid that you still laugh at today: maybe i dun even notice lah
Gone skinny dipping: NOO0O0O

Coke or Pepsi: none,so gas-sysysysysysysysysys
McDonald's or Burger King: macs?
Single or Group Dates: why will i go on a date zzzz-.-
Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate yum
Strawberries or Blueberries: Strawberries yum x2
Meat or Veggies: both hoots~~
TV or Movie: MovieeE:
Guitar or Drums: idk never played both b4.haizz noo0o0O0O0Ob
Adidas or Nike: loike both leh
Chinese or Mexican: idk.. hmmm
Cheerios or Corn Flakes: Corn flakes! :D
Cake or Pie: i dun exaltly fancy both ahhaa.

k i adapted this (Test???????) or wat u call it from LYLY. ya coz i have got nothing b etter to do hehe. bai

Friday, June 12, 2009

god bless me

willmylifegetanybetter,i just wonder

i am really pissed with xx ,why am i not allowed to watch the channel 8 ,9 o'clock show. i know in the past i do not watch teevee at all?but watever it is. do u have the rights to stop me from watching.I think you are too prone to me not watching teevee tht's why u are acting ridiculously weird when i wanted to watch the show or is it because u wanted to watch your other show, or is it rlly a bad show??!!.why must watching that 1hr show be an exchange with ur requestS.So you think u rule the whole house, everything k U WIN HANDS DOWN I LOVE U VERY MUCH.aircode" urg i want to watch tht show so much k,

its about the 2nd week of the holiday already.2 more weeks marks the end of holic,awwww quite sad rite. see how time flies when ur relaxing/chilling/having fun/watever lo.haiizzzzzz next week i am gonna watch hannah montanna hahahahahaha YAYIe with whoever is free lo yayie ,longed to watch it huhu~ i watched UP online ok lah not bad haha very nice the graphics love it its so Cutiezxpi3zx lah haha. k bai i am so hungry hahaha i still wanna eat nyny creamy spag leh~~~~~~~~

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

so sick of struggling between needs and wants,I NEED TO DO SOMETHING


i want to eat yummy creamy spag from new york new york please hahahha, how i wish some one will just deliver it to mai door step lah tho its 11:49pm hhahahaha

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE MIA~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Friday, June 5, 2009


pig spam

true huh

Yknow its always when the big wave have passedyou see the frivolous side of peoplethen you realise, you don't really know them at all


Thursday, June 4, 2009

game gaming gamer

-once i came home my brother was telling me about the L4D 2 trailerzz.HAHA on a side note:
i quited restaurant city,l4d-ing hahah i played for 2 days onlyzz,pet society long time ago0o0o plz hahahahahaha PRETTY LAME RITE I WENT TO PLAY miniclip gamez hahah i rule,yayie

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

monster VS alien

dosent the title say it all.XX

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Your a damn joke man:

HAHA i think u probably have nothing better to do.
++ douevenknowme,you loser-.- haha,dunjudgepeople,becauseyouhavenothingelsebetterto do.__urawell known *.stopactinglikeuknoweverythingandthtuareverybig,itjustdisguistmetotheverymax

Monday, June 1, 2009

'cross fingers' i dont forget my ballet steps.