Monday, August 31, 2009

my life is like a roller coaster ride.
save me god. pls

Thursday, August 27, 2009

T-G-I-F and i am lovin' my phone now~~~~~ whooooooooooooooooooooooooo~~~~

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

so far

hi everyoneeeeeee, i believe its been abit long since i updated hah.
so yups here are a ton of pics

omigosh this bunny so cuteix piez IKR

i think its been raining pretty much

well, this is my new phone and i h8 it shit man:-( so hard to use compared to my chip nokia phone haha, love it!! and my thumb has recovered pretty much its so much better now.well last fri wenta eat thai food with niki, woah had a rlly miserable time man, because after eating the tom yum soup its spicy like mad crazy haha niki's and my lips were redd and little wee bit swollen manz. i am missing the thai milk tea alrrrr urg!! so nize man(Y) well talking about movies i have got lots of movies to catch~~~ esp: coco before chanellllllll O-M-G ahahaaaaaa.i wanna watch whr got ghost and the proposal too.

reults: were dissapointing much very very very very bad man i deproved like mad! i think i should buck up. haha but whr's the motivation man.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

missin' thumb

sigh, my left thumb is friggin' disabled.-.--choyah. its so painful everytime i move it. i am getting pissed to the core i m equally like a 1 hand freako.o zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

on a side note:thx for those who hv helped me today.million thxs:-}

Sunday, August 16, 2009

01 i have got many movies tht i wanna catch !!
02 am craving for pl!!
03 found some bladding khakis~ how good is tht man!!
04 realising tht i am getting fatter , i think?;-(
05eating like there's no tml
06 having a phone tht cant reply sms 8( , not the 1st timeeeeeeeee mannnnnnnnnnn
07 knowing tht i havent starting studying!!
08 h8-ting seaweed shaker fries more! haha when everyone is lovin' it !?
09 realising tht my group havent started on geog proj, how g8 horrr. when its like due on mon or sth? idk... sigh!!!! how seh?
10 hoping 2 pass my audition for both exam, wheeeeeeeeeee~
11 addicted to the sarsi sweet (Y)
12 its jh birthday hahahha!!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

i want to watch the jack neo's film"where got ghost" urg. i love jack neo's film so so nice hahaha so hilarious. sigh tml is eng paper and i am ttly not prepared for the other subs idk. when i will just wake up from all this dream and tell myself:'pls pls pls buck up" idk. sigh i rlly dun feel the sense of urgency -sigh

Saturday, August 8, 2009

up is a must watch. i watch it on fri its way better than watching on the comp. duh~
quick quick catch it!!!i think the graphics are so so so cute!!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

while i was reading marley and me.... i almost fall asleep. when coco called me ahaa but i still continue to satisfy myself with ample sleep but idk why i am having a spinning headache.SIGH I SWEAR I HAVENT TOUCH ON ANY SCH-RELATED-BOOKS AT ALL. i can prepare to fail my maths,mt,history?:-( sadistic man and how sia i am craving for ice cream :-( i got so sick of green tea iscream on sun haha. one big scoop only leh!~ imagine one tub *faints. sigh i wanna eat chocolate ice cream hEHEHEH^.^

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

i practically felt like a zombie this 2 days because of the lack of sleep even if i slept at 9.45pm and not doin anything tht night like mugging real hard. but i just feel so tired and lack of energy.sigh~
-over dose of ice pops.
-aching muscles

Sunday, August 2, 2009

01 once again hooked to mika
02 cant wait for mon~~ HAHA
03 feel tht my life is not organized and i h8 it
04 slacking my butt off everyday and not studying :<