Saturday, February 28, 2009

just another random post

what if your life only revolves around school
what if the person step on your tail and u decided not to give a chance anymore-cause u have gave ample
what if you treat the person good the person treat u like dog
what if the person act (Y) infront of others and act differently infront of you
what if you feel like giving up
what if you cant trust him/her anymore
what if you are really really really x 10000 tired
what if you really feel like letting go
sorry but my blog is getting toooooodead/

Friday, February 27, 2009

ITS SO YOU I MEAN IT, PUT UP AN ACT CONTINUE IT WONT LAST LONG,i swear,replying it N____ is not u

i look like _|_

monster rule the world

diamond blink bling bling
bye bitch

Thursday, February 26, 2009

screwed up i swear i am the most screwed person(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
screwed all the test /exams(go me go me!!)
screw everything in the world, sighhhhhhhhh

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

not so near the bf line sorry
I HATE THE WEATHER seriously just decide, be cold or be hot. Damn it those incredibly insane sweltering afternoons and the sun is out to blind me and then comes the rain and super power wind out to slice your cheeks into little sashimi pieces seriously mannnnnn??!!!!!!!!!!!!
this sux big time .damn the weather damn the weather damn

yours sincerely TOot coco BaLLS ,lolololol

Sunday, February 22, 2009

hai today is a day of daimonds spams haha
my oh-so-cannot-make-it daimond(!!!!!!!!!!)

i inked so cool rite with a not so like a daimond daimond?

hi , if u can see on my fingers haha

blink blink"""""


i swear this is candid hahah i know i know in minds" so act cute ew!!" hawhaw i know i know
OK BYE DaIMONDZX bling bling in the sky forever!!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

dead bird on the loose i am so dead so much test coming up i havent study a shit no vibe to study at all @: tsk
i mizz u hansol

Friday, February 20, 2009

i am gaining weight every single day ahhaha, but i dunn really carealot ...or abit...or alot.
i just have weird cravings for tomyum soup and phad thai since foreveR
1.matcha green tea icecream
2.tomyum soup and steam rice YUM
3.pahd thai
4.thai milk tea4eva
5.starbux mocha frappe
6.subway cookie EAT FRESH lovely bounavista CHAO KWAY TIAO
8.bbq stingray , squid with lots of chilly not so spicy chilly hhaha

p.s i know u know i am refering to u mf u better dun back stabb me u sucker stop bugging me, getting so pissed the way u speak theway u change is it becoz a change of environment i dun think so plz plz plz fark off far far far away.>:( F.T.W so not looking forward to Ballet

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


i am in school now , ltr still have topography some one s-a-v-e m-e,dang desperate times call for desperate measures hawhaw .

edit edit anyw this is a picture when we were all sec 1 , hawhaw so retarted i know i know esp me me me me me
time passes so fast tht u dun even realised g8 uh?

today was mos burger me , niki, lyly, and sandy :)
and yea than home with sandy n lyly coz niki need to go for sth... ok bai

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

hahah how wonderfull am still craving for my phad thai and tom yum yum yum heh

Monday, February 16, 2009

i am getting all freet out for exams yada yada today had science test and thought it was ytd how g8 heheeee hawwwwhawww .sigh screw maths and history i swear,

Sunday, February 15, 2009

i sneeze like a bitch and cough like a dog . i scare u

Saturday, February 14, 2009

so this is 1e1'08 B)

look i look so friggin slim in this pic rite but now so fat how depressing it can get at timesx haha, everyone gain weight or no or only me alone hahaha. sobs much uh

ok i no valentines hawhaw i h8 the walking down the orchard and seeing girls holding flowers zz.zz hahah and guyz carrying girls bag hawhawhawhaw me and coco was laughing our balls out when we saw tht hawwwwheee.spent $50 plus again sux big time tell unow. i am so broke-d no pics coz this was a so called"sudden date?"than i was wearing all so cha-pa-lang and manage to get hold of a few gd (Y) stuff today yay me hahaha "valentines is so not my thing" hahahahah. wat a gd phrase huh?!
anyhoo. didnt bring cam out = no pics +coco's phone had major probs hahahahhahahahah and my lousy phone only manage to take 2 pathetic pics on mon or tml i will post ok, go macha icecream i love u hawhaw greentea macha is the shizzzzzz


Friday, February 13, 2009

fark u is the new hello

ok so today in sch totally dread in the morn had to study for home ec .(=.=)i totally flunked my history test , tsk like shit k, this is the worst test i ever sat for ? i never study a single ass n i only answered 3 ques and went to sleep sounds nice huh, but not at all man sux big time . h8 myself lah

after sch was town with niki had to go town so badly but it all let to a dissapoinment nth was great at all seriously except for the food at thai express. we love it uh niki haha . food is life who dosent agree i love food to the core xoxoxoxoxoxoxo hahahah. spent so much on food and shoes? actually not much but idk why it all sums up to $50.0000,0000 i know sux

she was putting on her sexy contax

this is niki fav action " watttttttt!!!!" hahahaha

was eating n drinking ,(pat thai,thai milk tea, tomyam soup= shizz)

the "babies tht we bought " guess whose is whose huh?

ok bai , live your life not mine hehehehehhawhawhawhaw
i know i unglam in the last pic but unglam is the new black leh heheheB) wth#@$#%$^*

Thursday, February 12, 2009

(town plz town plz town plz)V-.-V
my blog is so dead hahaha i know i know but idk lah.
coco is the child-ish-er-est girl i ever met hawhawheeeheeee.
hee hee hope tml have pics? after i come back from town k

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

shall update shall not shall update shall not shall update shall not shall update shall not shall update shall not shall update shall not shall update shall not shall update shall not shall update shall not shall update shall not shall update shall not shall update shall not shall update shall not shall update shall not shall update shall not shall update shall not shall update shall not shall update shall not shall update shall not shall update shall not shall update shall not shall update shall not shall update shall not shall update shall not shall update shall not shall update shall not shall update shall not .roar tml will be eng test , i dun feel the urgency yet, how now how now i am so scared i will be come the 20++++++ position in clazz coz u know its bad sigh sigh sigh

Monday, February 9, 2009

believe the reality, its so unbelievable. hahwhawhawhaw

Sunday, February 8, 2009

sucks to be me roar recently i just bought hair band and broke again as u can see i dun use hair band now coz i have no more ( how pathetic), iknw k , i am just lazy to get them coz i think i only use a hair band in 3mths n will be broke again.i think that i am really fat but all the nice food cant be resisted uh,how i wish -ed-ed-ed i h8-ed food so much. so contradicting,
test are coming up i did better buck up

Friday, February 6, 2009

so i have cre8-ed face book finally after 234556790bvdsfhj bird years hahaha

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


i ate a cow for dinne today :( fat how?

coco: u buy bunny
yini: here's your bunny haha u are so in love with bunny hahahahaha

and now i am a ball of fats, how howhow

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

:Oyea so i have changed my link to . (:

so this is 10 random facts about memyself
1. I crave for tomyam soup (thai) for @least once a month i know i am weird
2.i like to read vandalism coz it just crack me up, hahwhaw like e.g free sex plz call blah blah blah haha, omg
3.i h8 ahlianzx wanna-be o.o
4.i love shopping like any other girls
5.i am short, i bet val see this she will be smiling gleefully 2 herself(!!)
6.i cant go on a diet (101) becoz food is way too tempting
7.i want an apple laptop since .... forever
8.i h8 wat my dad cook, its all the chapalang food ewwwwww
9.i worry too much , i think too much but is nth near perfect
awww how sad right
10.i dread school x 100000000000000gazzlion

bye i wanna sleep.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

i am gonna change link , to: i am not gonna expose here yea. ask me personally or text me or nudge me on msn. i am gonna change link in 3 days?