Wednesday, May 6, 2009

pain ok,

rollerblading on ro@d was officially dangerous hahahaaa,and it was super duper extra licious tiring and i am currently having a numb leg and toe ache muahaahahaha , i am sucha loser urg. i think i am really bad @ blading urg sux rite, haha i h8 drains so much k. it always go grag grag grag grag u know when u blade pass it hahah n i will somehow loss abit of balance and g@in it back again like a Major joke.idk how many timex i fell man GOSH hawhaw 1st joke: bam fell on my bum urg, 2nd: feel down a slope best urg == 3rd: almost fall on the drain hole
PRETTY DRain-ed already, but its kinda fun hahaha
exam again tml , this cycle will repeat till next week ,all the best everyone hehe:B

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