Friday, October 23, 2009

hiez ppl, i am rlly bored hahaha so back ,blogging away but idk wat to blog about haiz i think i need a tweak in my life manzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz need some classes or sth but idk wat to join mannnnnnnn_n, my dad suggested writing composition class-.- its actually quite good hahahah i think i cant write neither chinese nor english compositions hahahhha i think i am not creative or i dun have wild imaginations muauahahahahahahhahajust h8 writing mt compositions esp letter writing for mt, during exams i will normally forget all the format =.= and end up getting 10/20 for letter writing awesome or wat?sometimes i really feel like dropping mt, but if i drop uh i think i will b a loser becoz i am a chinese & i friggin dunno chinese is tht stupid? i can speak in tht language but i cant write -.- loser or wat mannnnnnnn idk how to improve my mt i think its diff to the max.haiz i wish i had like mich's brain for mt like seriously she is amazingly good , envious much hahahahahaha but its ok hahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
xxx yini

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