Saturday, January 31, 2009

This is a major major major update.
so i just came back from my aunts/uncles place had steam-boat again.suppose to go to ballet but didnt/suppose to meet niki n hazel to wl crib but didnt, sorry x 10000:> my dad is just a pain in the arse !!:ook so this is another update about my europe trip! meow meow
have u seen sucha big candy flozz, its the shizz.i was busy eating so yea hawhaw, i know u love me more than the candy flozz roar. tsk
so this is effiel tower(iron lady)
in the morn and night hawhaw
idk wats this but this is a paramid-ish stuff with all the painting inside it.yea force to take this so the oh-so-glam face

forxced too.

this is a sand-y area with losta people walking towards their big ferris wheel, like the one in sg. but thier one is way cooler hawhaw

i got so tired and place my butt on a beach -alike chair
after that,

we went to this building around tht area and we climb-ed 400-500 plus steps up a high building yay just to see effiel tower ,oh well.and the other things which is not f.o.c which sux becoz nothing iz f.o.c

anyw can u believe the pic above is like 3 plus and the bottom one is ard 4 plus its alr totally pitch dark

look at how much carz ,the people TOTaLLY OMG,u would'nt want to walking tru it man it spells hum4n jam but its not sticky/stuffy hha coz its cold.which is sth i like(Y)

haha and after so much walking we saw 'coco'

went to dads friend's house for dinner

and we stayed in a hotel which have this near by so cool rite , and if u are wondering wats the white thing its a bird haha.f.t.w

next morn surprisingly the sun was up

went to super market for snacks after breakfast.awwww thier super markets are so cool they do not have cashiers u have to scan ur item at this so called self service counter and type all the things u bought blahblah tear the reciept ur self blahblah so cool man

the tarts are just bad!! not nice at all but it looks nice . isnt the one in sg zz
beach next:

other day at science centre with this roller coaster elevator which is so typical in their country.

see the trees all bare so grey

and the last day

he wanted his face censored so ok. and the view from up there haha your so grey

ok see u .bai i cant possibly upload everything which is yea till here

is it pretty or wat?they have tatts on their legs and it seems to be like the stockings printing but nononononon, omg so orhsome!!

ytd was wedding game with mum, i think its nice but mum thinks its not.
but but we were like 15 mins late? sigh coz there are no carpark space 00000000000 understand?
1.i almost twisted my ankle becoz i have to walk in the dark just to get my mum her stupid hot dog bread from the counter. sux
2.i almost lost my phone, coz i am muddle headed.ohwellz ipod almost died coz of my cousins,tupid
4.i need to go swimming , not becoz my tanning hawhaw
5. i still have to go to my aunts and uncle house for 1 more week (which is next week)

bai january

Friday, January 30, 2009

hello freaks, this is just another post about the long ago beach cycling pics hawhaw.

i am a freak with only 1 eye hahaha

out falied:jump shot!
bus-ed there and back.
omg niki i miss the piggy back hahaha, no more no more? LOL
anyh. i wanna lock my blog , should i?
ahhhhh bye pple the sun is scorching like reaaaal. bye to.ots

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Grass is always greener the other side

Haha,had frolick alike with nikimperella;@.@

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

just have the urge to blog? i havent finish maths and art. dang maths man i think i am gonna fail it? i arent putting any effort at all !!!! roar hahah slept during maths coz i was so so so tired, cannot be put in words haha. and i have like all the worksheets tht i am suppose to do in class i didnt do and i am just so dead and i have to finish them but i do not want to. and idk how to do art. isnt it orh-some or wat? haha

anyww. today is jackson pollock's birthday omg i love his art . from erm the day when mr tan tell us bout' him? i love it so much it just shows everything in a splattred art? u call it splattered?

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

heard tht the movie wedding game is out? i wanna catch it man, so many movies to catch but i have no time, roar. sux uh?! omg i think its damn nice coz the commercial said so hawhaw. anyhoo, tht day mum & me went to sungei road(?) omg so scary man like all the baglahs and old t-i-k-o are there, hawhaw but they have like hell lotsa vintage stuff, and my mum was like dun buy anything plz coz all this might be dirty like plz, zz.zz

Saturday, January 24, 2009

happy chinese niu year.

indo-man eats frolick coz its tasty. hawhaw. wat a jok3 man o.o

frolick is the new dope.
mai house is so chinese new year. hawhaw

hello hunny bunnies.
ok so today iz C-N-Y. early mornang went to grandma house becoz my dad iz very gan chiong spider hawhaw.than after awhile me left for shopping food, clothes yadayada, got sth. than at night we went to holland v. for dinner with fam than we had frolick each a cup ( frolick: is the best yougert on earth , i am looking forward for more hawhaw becoz today is a sat so not free badges sobs, only on mon/thurs/sun. i know i sound so frigging cheap s8 hawhaw, but yea i am wat , ??? lol. and coz the badge is really the shizz man! so pretty i got so much pics in my cam-erawr i never bring my adaptar hahah so no pics for now, hehe.^^ yay, i will update again like on tues k, huge post i guess?! going m'sia tml i think.oh ya and i have my nailz painted pink hahaha, cool rite, wth. ok joking.
this is frolick. u , me , she,her ,him,he,they love frolick.

and i wanna watch :

it just looks so nice, rite? rite?rite? hahaha. so sex6 hahaa, omg . like they look so gd (Y) in the gown-ny gown-ny.omg and niki show-ed me this person friendster , i was totally stunned like o_o seriously why must she expose so much of the . . ok. yea
Bb.i want to watch

Friday, January 23, 2009

hai hai hai hai hai hai i am yini. and i am bored officially , chinese new year is coming i m happy, everyone is happy.hahah wth. i love everyone on earth i love u them they she her him u blah blah ok i am bored some one talk to me.

ytd, was swimming.actually didnt want to update but . she ask me to haha. valerie oh haha. i didnt know u read hahaha, omg. yea same taste i love u hawhaw. ok so back to swimming ok. not much tan . but tan+ner and kinda fun having piggy back in ze water hawhaw. swam a few laps. than after 2 whole hrs bath than KFC than home. roar ok. bye , anyw chinese niu year