Saturday, January 3, 2009

people this is my 2008 yr end only , wats urs ??

changing computar backgroundz
and changing my com to diff backgrounds. tho is 2 diff com /
i think this pic is damn cool nonono? haha eye lashes ,y@!!

who is tht with me , freak haha

web cam with pig, coco.

on the way up the tiring mount, small ppl big bags HEHE

view of the mount!!

on the 1st day getting ready to climb mount \m/ haha.

YO M@M@ !

we played house unglam game

on the plane -kinabalu trip drinking orangey juice

this is in the air port.

long time ago, but during the holic we decided to meet and eat at swensens


@ coco's house

long time ago at ryan's party?

view of kinabalu.after such a tiring climb

with hansol long time ago

when i am in europe , hahah
part of our conversation:
coco: eh yini u grew fatter
yini:yea i know hehe.^^
coco: u eat too much meat balls rite i m bored now nite!!! here.
coco:ok i make up for u ok? -trying to make me laugh
coco: brb very fast
coco:back(she starts applying make up on herself)
yini:wat u doing? LOL.
coco:see lah
haha omg seriously make me laugh like shit look at her face damn red rite hahaha.

ok than this is the ticket to europe
basically we (my fam) went to alot of places,sweden,ribe,goteburg,stockholm,paris,denmark,christand(?),germany,belgium,many many more...
i took 3hrs to upload all this pics. well done man. my com auto shutdown 3 friggin times 11.40-11.46-11.49. ok i will end here 1st and i shall start on a new post on europe-yeee bai.

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