Saturday, January 24, 2009

happy chinese niu year.

indo-man eats frolick coz its tasty. hawhaw. wat a jok3 man o.o

frolick is the new dope.
mai house is so chinese new year. hawhaw

hello hunny bunnies.
ok so today iz C-N-Y. early mornang went to grandma house becoz my dad iz very gan chiong spider hawhaw.than after awhile me left for shopping food, clothes yadayada, got sth. than at night we went to holland v. for dinner with fam than we had frolick each a cup ( frolick: is the best yougert on earth , i am looking forward for more hawhaw becoz today is a sat so not free badges sobs, only on mon/thurs/sun. i know i sound so frigging cheap s8 hawhaw, but yea i am wat , ??? lol. and coz the badge is really the shizz man! so pretty i got so much pics in my cam-erawr i never bring my adaptar hahah so no pics for now, hehe.^^ yay, i will update again like on tues k, huge post i guess?! going m'sia tml i think.oh ya and i have my nailz painted pink hahaha, cool rite, wth. ok joking.
this is frolick. u , me , she,her ,him,he,they love frolick.

and i wanna watch :

it just looks so nice, rite? rite?rite? hahaha. so sex6 hahaa, omg . like they look so gd (Y) in the gown-ny gown-ny.omg and niki show-ed me this person friendster , i was totally stunned like o_o seriously why must she expose so much of the . . ok. yea
Bb.i want to watch

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