Tuesday, March 31, 2009

idk why

but i feel so broke or rather i am broke?(dots) idk why but i am eating my guts out i feel so hungry in a jiffy.SIGH

Friday, March 27, 2009


hahahaha today i am bored as usual havent finish my compo after a weeks orhsome much ehh.

might be catching confession of a shopaholic with mumster LTR , yay to vivo

ok watever so i finally made use of my scanner.ftw

ok so i shall start on my scanning post meow haha


all hail national day!!

was being bo0o0o0otak a trend or sth??

LOOOKKKKK I DID BUNNY HEAD WHEN I was young, likewtf i didnt even know until i saw it
i know i know wat ur thinking wah darn cute seh hahaha, ok jokingg

hahah we hairpitly riding on a blu bugg

somebody's wedding.me& my bro iz ......

yay me on mini roller coaster acting all happy hahahahah

after the graduation K2 performance look baby ghost


this iz in church leh.wriggles eyebrows

JURONG JURONG BIRD PARK.:}:}:}::}:}:}:}:}:}:}
sseeeeeeo.o i older than my cousin,,,, hairpit me

wah nowthan i know i darn sto-0ng hawhaw wtf
WAH I GOT SO MUCH MORE TO GO N-V-M I DUN WANT DO ALR HAHA,at least posting this pics keep me super S U P E R occupied haha
ok bbye go enjoy the pics



Thursday, March 26, 2009

not reality at all

no sch tml pls


hairpit 3 fwenz:

oh my gosh i think i brok3 a n4ilz

wthhhhhhhhhhh thx.x

you look like hamsteroar
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx awwwwww.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

no voice already


this was the bandanna? for the camp fire heehaw

dead tired from all that screaming,cheering.i am a dead bird with no voice LOL.camp fire was a bl@@@@@st everyone was jumpping and singing cheering shouting screaming.and our 2e1 got e best cheer award hawhaw ok sounds so HMMMMM STUPID. but everyone was happy blah blah i guess evryone iz feeling SO so SO.O deprived of food sleep .........

-i know u love me i love u too muax

and camp chief said: u have marble eyes and fish balllzx cheeks.x.x when i was doing high elements wth, i gave the retarted face above hahaah chio0o0 rite.


Friday, March 20, 2009

SO DURING THE HOLIC ITS resting n more resting.

webcam ,more webcam

cartoons more cartoons

so FRI was out with sailor COCO HaWHaWHaW

out today with CO. post pictures soon okay not much..arhhhhhhidk why are my legs so worn out-.- mawhawmawhaw.got many good buys,espirit sales = yummy.totally prerogative for every girl hawhaw.hongkongcafe/shopping/camping ard yadayada

well, the pics are up as promiss-ed ok bye me love fried dumplings as much as everyone hawhaw

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

own reference:
-maths text book ex4f?
-maths online
-chinese compre, wahaha
-english suspense story

still got wat uhhh 2e1s?? omg damn == all havent do claps for me prease.i think doing online maths tonight HOLY CRAP , CROSS FINGERS I WILL DO.so something off my TO DO list. sigh sigh sigh sch is starting camp is coming

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

holiday illness

i am sad becoz,
i became nocturnal
being so brok3 isnt feeling gd., so the moral of the story is ? shopping dosent do you any gd gd gdy
rlly need someone to fund me hahaha,ok vain.
this is shit shit shit shit shit stop money from flowing out $$$$$$$$$$$

frolick again tht day = yummyxoxo

oh ya i forget to post bout the day b4 the term ends, me and the bunny liyanna ong was under the love rain hahahahahahahahhahahahaah the rain embrace us hahahahahahahahah ok wth i did this becozz of her hawhawhawhawhawhawhawhahw. liyanna i will jump on u again ahahahha back crack? ok ahahahah steady



Monday, March 16, 2009

i am so so so lazy to do my holic hw how now how now how now how now save me arg.sigh x times a million can? hahahahhhhso u see how boring my post can be huh?

Sorryyyyyyyyy i think the no blogging syndrome's got to me , or rather no using computer syndrome hahaha.pretty satisfied with my results but... theres still room for improvement hawhaw. and i want to go to topshop is check out some...supercalifragilisticexpealidociously clothes hawhawhawhawhawhahawhawhawhawhawh wat a long long long-ish word!!!!! Bbye

Thursday, March 12, 2009

teeth chattering resultsresultsresults ,crossed fingers

Monday, March 9, 2009

i am so addicted to eclipse mint now now now shit. and see how fast time passes by el oral exam had ended haha the topic was bout dentistry sux much , i guess no body expected it eh.sigh i have nth to blog about no no no nth at all everyday is just a F cycle of waking up early going to sch ,coming back home, rest,and the cycle repeats itself again and again. i am sick of it man waking up so early in the morn, preparing for sch but its p n p of life wat to do . watever everyone has to go to sch rite.ok shall stop all the complaining coz it sux big time for ppl who are reading

oh ya anyhoo. i totally missed the jason m. concert u call it? the tickets sold out so effing fast, i think she crowd rlly explains it(!!)!!! ok i know this was a long time ago but its still good to at least blog about sth uh==

ok i think bye for awhile until i got sth to post about uh or not all my post will be ohsoeffing sianzz

Friday, March 6, 2009

wat do you do on a boring sat?

i have hella more to go but watever but nawww not uploading hahaha click n enlarge uh
sian like hell ok i am so sad coz its raining like dogs