Tuesday, March 3, 2009

hello so i love eating this coz niki hahahah make me like it ? hahah (L) so yummy, this is so lame taking a pic of food rite i know hahaha but i want my dad to buy for me so...... yea....

mt was a bore again(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
so..... COOKING M@M@ HaHaHa


SO YTD was fish /dog/rabbit/goose/chicken (mac nugget)/... yea

this is when u sprinkle the fish food ($1) into the water and all the fishes jump /hop hahaha ok watever like squeeze to get the food , uhuhhh

look so screwed? but watever coz i only got this few pics coz my phone say low batt.so all with coco need get from herrroar and she say "i lazeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"hawhaw...

omg GOLD FISHES are way to cute haha. i want to get a tortise!!should i shoould i hahahah so cute .

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