Tuesday, March 3, 2009

all the hw are drowning me ,dang

i need a placid environment for me to study roar i cant seems to concentrate even in class me and some others always eat in class :( not paying -any attention than grieving over our results no point !!!!!!!!!!!bam every one does get cantankerous when they get thier results but mine is rlly shit? mt is the worse diediedie . feeling so dumb coz of the ppl in my mt class like pro? so so so so inferior (!!)i wish i had intellect brains forever hahaha for every subject equates to thumbs up coz good results hawhaw some times i am just plain lazy , having the mentality that i have hell loads of time ? procrastinating ,procrastinating and procrastinating , studies to me is just diminished but its opposite ,save me
something i found online and i think its all true:

Life changes every minute of every day. You lose friends. You gain friends.You realize your friend wasn't ever really your friend, & that person youused to hate can make a really good friend. You look for love. You find love.You lose love. You realize that all along you've been loved. You laugh. You cry.You laugh so hard that you cry. You do this, you do that. You really wish youhadn't done that. You then learn from that & are glad that you did. You haveyour ups. You have your downs. You see good movies. You see bad movies. Youwonder if your life is just one big movie. You look at others & wish youwere them. You then realize who they are & are glad that you're you. Youlove life. You hate life. In the end you just find yourself happy to be livinglife, no matter what's thrown at you.

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